IoT Education and Innovation Labs


IoT Educational and Innovation Labs for computer science and computer engineering colleges.


We offer three levels of IoT educational labs.


1-Mobile IoT lab: An IoT mobile lab that anyone can have at home or in a small training center based on MasterOfThings (mot) mobile IoT kit & IoTik HW kit.


2- Expert IoT Lab: An expert IoT lab physically hosted in a dedicated area  accessible for students to visit, to see live demo solutions and to practice how to  build end-to-end IoT solutions including all IoT Value chain components.

3- Premium (Expert Plus) IoT Lab Plus: self driving cars.


IoT Online courses are available at Maharatech Portal 

Each lab is equipped with various live IoT use cases for smart cities built on top of MasterOfThings platform to control and manage multivendor educational and commercial IoT devices in the labs. Each of these labs includes Live IoT uses cases/ applications utilizing commercial IoT devices and IoT Innovation Kits from various vendors with various IoT wireless technologies. Our offerings for IoT Educational labs include online learning curriculum, training services and shared source code to prepare students with hands-on practical experience on IoT technologies and its implementations. It also serves as a live demo/show room for Smart city and smart campus use cases. By 2024 we’ve already delivered 11 IoT Educational labs and more are on their way.


For more information on the weekly training programs you can run based on our IoT Labs, check the below URL for Egypt IoT Lab


For more information on the content of the lab, check LinkedIn article link below, with video tour and presentation inside one of our customers' labs in this 👉link 🔗